
Why Refinance Your Car Loan

Car Loan Refinance

When you are approached by too many refinance loan offers, shopping for a loan becomes difficult. Good news is that the loan interest rates are dropping day by day. It is important to note that even a minute change in the interest rate can have a major impact. If you are getting the best deal after comparing various car loans then its really worth your time.

Understand that the car loan packages these days, include more than just interest rates. Hence while comparing rates of different lenders take a little time to investigate and understand all the other points linked with the offer. Also draw the comparison for the loan related fees.

Make a comparison of the loan features thoroughly. Pay special attention to the features like prepayment penalties, availability of conversion plans and the associated terms.

Check the lock-in period for each offer. What is your guaranteed about the interest rate and quoted points at the time of making loan agreement during this period. Lock-in periods are anywhere between 30 to 60 days. It may also be as short as 15 days. The longer the lock in period, the higher will be the rate of interest. Just make sure that your lock in period is long enough to allow for any settlement before the lock-in period expires.

Besides giving you the benefit of refinancing your car loan, it also gives you some extra cash. If you financed a car within the last 15 months, you may now be able to beat that rate with a refinance car loan.

So as you can see, there is nothing to lose in refinancing your loan. But yes if you get a good deal you surely will save thousands of dollars.

First ask yourself what you wish to achieve by way of refinancing your loan - A lower interest rate or a different type of financing altogether.

Check your current credit scenario. See if your current credit status qualifies you for the refinance deal that you are looking for. Keep a copy of your latest credit report at the time of applying for the refinance loan.

Take a look at your current loan agreement and find how the rate of interest is calculated. Interest is charged on a daily basis on the simple interest loan. If you can make a prepayment of your existing loan but if your loan terms penalize for the same, you may consider getting refinance at lower interest rate. This also depends on whether or not you want to keep you car for a longer period of time..

Lastly, decide what you want to do with your monthly savings that would come with your new refinance deal. Now if you still keep sending the same amount as your original loan payment, your benefits would be increase very quickly as you are reducing the principle but if you are just sending the required amount, you will be paying less monthly but you won't save too much.

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Car Loan Refinance

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